Test Page – Please Ignore

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  • Mr Marshall and Mrs Standen's maths set have been learning about averages: calculating the mean, median, mode and range. Instead of using existing data, they created their own by counting the number of balls they could throw into a bin within 30 seconds. The marvellous mathematicians created a table that included a tally chart and the total for each person. This data was then used to analyse and create questions, for example, did the boys or girls have the highest average total? The children learned how to collect, organise and analyse data as well as learning how to calculate the […]
  • This is a test to make sure the fonts are working well.Dragons unfortunately aren't real.Thank you for reading 🙂
  • Our pupils had a wonderful time on Hacton’s very first Multiplication Monday. To inspire the children to learn their times tables and get a real thirst for multiplication, each teacher designed a special activity to show that learning your times tables can be easy and, most importantly, fun! Children moved around classes in their phase groups and completed a series of challenges and tasks. Times table tricks, multiplication treasure hunts, bowling, sticking arrays, card games and fitness challenges were just some of the activities that our pupils completed during the day. All of the children loved the opportunity to experience […]